
Looking around me I see the bigger pictures. And I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

singer sewing machine

Mention Singer anywhere in the world from the desert of Sahara or Gobi, the jungle of the Amazon or Borneo or the holy city of Mekah or Jeresulam, or the civilization of the western Europe or the Americas, everyone would know what the brand Singer is. Its always have been associated with the sewing machine. Though now it has diversified into furniture.
Established in 1852, by Isaac M Singer in the USA, and now popularly known as the Singer Manufacturing Company.

Sewing machines were invented to decrease manual work in cloth companies. Most home sewing machines use a two thread stitch. And from these were derived many kind of stitches to be used for home as well as for industrial machines. The machine has created positive impact to the fabric and clothing industries immensely since its invention. And Singer sewing machine has got all the latest in sewing machine technology.

And I addition, Singer is also geared to supporting its customers by giving good facilities for delivery and ready availability of spares, with the quickest delivery time anywhere in the world and at the best price. That support include manuals for older machines as well as the latest series of machines.

As the Singer Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co. has got a world wide reputation, for reliability and interchangeability of models, the Co. as well as many parties keep track of all the available sewing machines in many parts of the world, where records may be kept as humanly as possible, and where there is the users support as well as the agency support, many people keep track of these machines. Here is an example.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog. I find article about sewing machine fascinating.

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with you. Many people especially homemakers are thankful for Singer in creating sewing machines.

2:15 AM  
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12:37 PM  
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